Graduate Testimonial: Patrizia

You don’t have any idea how useful it has been for me to have taken the Oxford Clinical Research Program! I would like to thank all of you at Oxford who have helped me reach my goal. Dr. Nicholas, I would like to express my appreciation for your incredible service as professor; the contributions you have made over the past year have been invaluable to me, for my education and for my establishment in Canada, and I am now working and I would say that it is thanks to you! I appreciate the effort you have made in the design of the program at Oxford College – you clearly care about teaching.

Dr. Nicholas has really been one of my favourite professors. He taught me not only all of the aspects of Clinical Research but also about Canadian culture and about the labour environment, about job interviews, writing resumes and about behaviours, norms and professionalism here in Canada. It has been very useful for me, he has prepared me not only for working in clinical research but also in how to find a job which is the main goal, I feel lucky that I found this course and that I learned this material from him.

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I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be exposed to a new discipline and a great teacher!

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